Project Review Meetings
For more information on the various meeting types and their upcoming agendas, be sure to visit our Meeting Types page. All agendas below are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Environmental Code/Variance Board meetings are listed on a separate page.
- Type A: March 27, 2025  
- BOAA: Nothing scheduled at this time.
- DRC: April 14, 2025  
- Post-App: Nothing scheduled at this time.
The Growth Management Department serves as lead coordinator for three meeting types that issue land use approvals for the City. Each meeting reviews different types of projects, has different members, and has different meeting rules and structure. All three meetings are publicly advertised.
- Board of Adjustments and Appeals (BOAA) - The membership of the BOAA includes citizen volunteers appointed by the City and County Commissions. They review applications for variances from the Zoning Code for single-family homes, duplexes, and signs.
- Type A Review Meeting (Type A) - The Type A Review Meeting includes staff from the eleven City departments that review development applications. They only review presubmittals and Type A site plans, which by definition are 100% consistent with all development standards in the Zoning Code.
- Development Review Committee (DRC) - The DRC includes senior staff from Growth Management, Planning, Underground Utilities, Public Works, and the School Board. They review Type B site plans (which by definition include deviations), subdivisions, and other applications. Some types of DRC review also require the approval of the Planning Commission and/or the City Commission.
How to Contact Us for More Information
Please choose any of the options listed below if you would like more information about how to attend a meeting, view a meeting, participate in a meeting, request a special accommodation for a meeting, obtain more information about a meeting, or provide public comment concerning a meeting.
- Call Land Use and Environmental Services at 850-891-7001, option 4
- Email
- Contact a Project Coordinator listed on the agenda for a particular project
Type A |
Post Application |
If you would like to receive these agendas by email, please visit our email subscriptions page and select "Growth Management Reports & Agendas".
Submittal Schedules
Public Noticing Requirements
The City uses several tools to communicate with citizens concerning new development projects. Two of the key tools are public notice signs and mailed notices.
First, you'll see public notice signs throughout the City wherever a new development is proposed. Each sign has a large letter that identifies it clearly from a distance. "P" is for a site plan. "V" is for a variance. "A" is for a right-of-way abandonment. "D" is for a deviation from development standards. "S" is for a subdivision. "Z" is for a zoning amendment. Finally, "C" is a comprehensive plan amendment. The signs also have a QR code that you can scan with your smart phone. It takes you directly to a map on our website which features a wide range of information about the development proposal. More details about our public notice signs are at the Talk with Us page.
Second, mailed notices are sent to neighbors concerning all major applications, including Type B, C, and D site plans, subdivisions, variances, deviations, right-of-way abandonments, zoning amendments, and comprehensive plan amendments. Mailed notices are not sent for three types of minor applications, including Type A site plans, technical amendments, and parking standards reviews.
Whenever the City receives an application for a new development project, part of the application fee includes the cost associated with providing notice to the surrounding neighbors. The City's notice standards include the steps listed below.
- Prior to the application being accepted for review, a sign is posted on the property which summarizes the development application.
- Within 10 calendar days of the submittal of a complete application, notices are mailed to property owners, tenants, and neighborhood associations within a 1,000-foot radius of the project site.
- At least 5 calendar days prior to the public hearing, a newspaper advertisement is placed in the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper. An advertisement is also placed in the Capital Outlook.
Additional Important Details
- Growth Management has provided an interactive map at the Current Projects page which shows proposed developments beyond what is listed on the agenda. We encourage you to use the map to stay informed about applications of interest near your neighborhood, as well as city-wide.
- Any person requiring a special accommodation to attend any of these meetings because of a disability is requested to contact the Tallahassee Growth Management Department at (850) 891-7100 at least 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the meeting. Any person who is hearing impaired should call the City of Tallahassee Community Relations TDD line at (850) 891-8169. Florida Relay TDD Service (800) 955-8771.
- Legal Notice: Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City of Tallahassee with respect to any matter considered at a "Type A", Development Review Committee, Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Environmental Variance Board, or Environmental Appeal Board meeting, such person will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record indicates the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City of Tallahassee does not provide or prepare such a record. See Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes.